
Next Generation Wearable Robotics


With the rapid population aging, wearable Robotics, commonly known as Exoskeleton Robots, are believed to have great potential applications in many areas in both industry and Healthcare. However, the current market size of wearable robotics is still quite small compared with other robotics sectors due to the limitations in design, user experience, and high cost.

At NUS Biorobotics Lab, we are developing a series of wearable robotics with wide range applications. We adopt a modular approach based a set of core technologies and components developed in the lab, which includes compliant actuation, cable mechanism, wearable sensors and learning based movement detection algorithms. We achieved better portability and better human robot interaction due to our compliant actuation and cable transmission and novel mechanism design.

In this talk, we will give a brief introduction of some of our wearable robots and their potential applications.